Which Magnesium is Best for Your Period & Menstrual Cramps?

Supplement for Your Period
There is one supplement that I use with almost every client because it gives us such powerful results in so many different hormonal conditions.
It's a mineral that almost everyone is deficient in due to our depleted soils and chronic stress levels. Can you guess which supplement it is?
Should you try it too? Let's dig in to some of my favourite uses of magnesium:

Supplementing your diet with magnesium
The reality is, most of us are deficient in magnesium. There's two reasons for this:
- It's harder to get enough through diet these days as our soils are depleted of magnesium due to over-farming. We receive magnesium through our diet from plants which have grown in magnesium-rich soils. Depleted soils = low magnesium plants no matter how good your diet is
- When we are stressed, we burn through magnesium. Do you know anyone these days who isn't stressed? If you work, have a family, don't grow all your own food in nutrient-rich soil, or worry frequently - you're probably deficient and would benefit from some extra magnesium

Magnesium for period cramps
You've probably heard of magnesium as being great for sore muscles - this is because it is a natural muscle relaxant. Guess what's also a muscle? Your uterus. Magnesium can be really effective at relieving period pain.
Magnesium For PMS
Magnesium is effective at reducing PMS symptoms like breast tenderness, mood changes and pre-menstrual anxiety.
Magnesium For Energy
Magnesium is a crucial mineral in energy production in your body. Getting enough helps you feel alert and focus throughout the day.
Magnesium For Stress
Magnesium helps us deal with stress better, and replaces the magnesium we've burnt through during stressful times.
Magnesium For Balancing Blood Sugar
Magnesium helps to lower blood sugar and improve your insulin response - great news if you are suffering from PCOS, pre-diabetes, have sugar cravings or feel sleepy after meals
Magnesium For Sleep
Promotes restful, restorative sleep. Having adequate sleep is vital in hormone production and allowing your body to repair and restore before a new day.
Magnesium For Balancing Hormones
Magnesium is needed in the production of oestrogen, progesterone and testosterone so getting enough helps your body produce enough of all 3 hormones.
So, as you can see magnesium is a bit of a star when it comes to many different hormonal issues.
The great thing about magnesium is it is quick to act so you often feel better within a few days of taking it.
Which Magnesium Supplement Is Best?
There are so many forms of magnesium on the market and unfortunately they aren't created equal.
Cheaper forms can be very harsh on your digestive system and cause stomach cramps and diarrhoea.
The best form to try is magnesium glycine or bisglycinate as this won't affect your digestion and is very well absorbed.
Have you tried magnesium before? Did it help your period? Let me know in the comments below.

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About The Author - Tamika Woods