Lauren R.
Working well for me so far!
Rachael C.
For me the biggest struggle has been mood stability. I felt like I could tell immediately when my hormones were off. And it felt like it could last for weeks. Since taking the blocker I feel like I’ve noticed an increasing decline in that struggle. And some weight loss too, I think with a big help from the regulate . I’m trying different things but I feel like this has been a helpful piece to the life style changes. Refuse to go a day without it.
Sydni G.
I wasn’t sure if these supplements were really going to do anything for me but I was searching for something to ease symptoms when I travel in a few months since the timing of my cycle was going to overlap. 1-week of taking them and my period symptoms were so much easier to manage and after 2 weeks I’ve lost a noticeable amount of weight. Could just be water/bloat, but either way it’s something I haven’t been able to lose! Excited to see what results continue to progress!!
Kathrine A.
I've been talking this for 4 months now and I have seen no difference whatsoever... so it's not doing anything for me that I can tell.
My skin is going better and better
Stephanie C.
It is rather expensive, I wished one supplement in this bundle would contain askwaganda. All three supplements claim to do the same thing so is it really necessary to have to take them all. It is a lot to take at one time.
Racquel G.
This entire team has always been amazing and on point with customer service and communication. Not to mention the products are outstanding!! I’m incredibly grateful for finding this supplement and can’t imagine my life with it now. It’s truly helped my life!!
Abigail J.
I’m almost done with my second month of the protocol and I have noticed less unwanted hair growth. I also have had more comfortable and consistent cycles that are finally 28-30 days and not who knows how many days it will be long. I am definitely going to keep taking these supplements.
Hannah W.
Battled with PCOS and all of its symptoms for years and tried multiple supplements. I have been taking nourished health for nearly two months and definitely going to continue. My cravings have almost disappeared. I feel healthier and more energetic and positive. Going to continue taking and excited to see what the results are.
Kristen A.
Absolutely love these vitamins! Was very hesitant at first because so many others have failed me but these are magic! Recommended them to all my PCOS girlies. Please keep up the great work! Can’t wait to try the teas!
Lindsey M.
My hormonal acne is clearing up finally!! Still waiting on my period, but am hopeful. I’m feeling so much better all around. Not nearly as fatigued
Michaela P.
One of the only supplements that works for my high cortisol and androgen. I suffer from lots of unwanted facial hair and it’s helped slow down the growth.
Clare C.
As i said on the video, Iam happy something is finally working for me
Clare C.
Its working great! I did loose wait, periods are starting to be regular and hair growth is coming in less
Jenna Z.
These supplements help regulate my PCOS alongside my experience taking Wegovy and a healthier lifestyle (Gluten & Dairy free, meat and vegetable focused, 10k+ steps each day). It’s a process, but worth keeping my body healthy and bringing me to a healthy baseline!
Haizey D.
Started my period almost within the week, which can be horrible for some people but I was going on 50 days which is pretty long for me. My chin was breaking out in hair and my acne was horrible. All of that has recovered and I’ve only been taking as suggested for 2 weeks! Hopeful it will continue to reduce my sugar cravings!
Brittany R.
My struggles with Pcos have subsided once I was consistently taking this product.
There’s less painful menstrual cycles and a noteworthy better sense of well being
I will continue to take this product and look forward to improving my health
Natasha P.
Still not seen improvement as of yet but going to continue hoping for good results delivery can also take a while to come still waiting for my next lot and only got a day left on my last order
Lymary O.
Within the week it’s helped me so much especially the one to regulate my sugar it’s kicked my cravings like crazy and the cycle ovulating finally saw my period with in a week !!!! And had a normal cycle for the first time in years !
Leah S.
Just a heads up if any of you have blood sugar or insulin issues. I have insulin resistance, and I started taking these pills to reduce my body hair, with is linked to insulin resistance. If you’re going to start taking the vitamins for blood sugar balance, please give yourself a few weeks for your body to adjust. I took these pills before breakfast, and some mornings, I ended up going back to sleep for two more hours after my meal. After maybe 3-5 weeks, I stopped getting sleepy after breakfast, and went on with life with more energy than I did since elementary school. If any of you have any better advice than my review, please post, or if allowed, comment on my review. Thank you, Tam, for these vitamins! They are a lifesaver for me.
Simone D.
Amazing products! Literally felt like it started to work instantly!
Kayla Bree S.
Seems to be working for my teen. Have been using for 3 months now!
Melissa O.
I’ve been taking these supplements consistently since June of 2024. I’d like to say that I have really noticed a difference/improvements but I feel like I need to give them more time. My skin has slightly cleared up, although I still get occasional breakouts or random zits.
Jaelee Y.
I’ve been taking these for two months to get my periods back and reduce my unwanted facial hair, I will say that it doesn’t get rid of the hair but it doesn’t slow the growth down a WHOLE lot! I feel more energetic and happy while taking these vitamins as well!
Kate E.
I haven’t seen any improvement. I’ve used it a couple of months. I don’t know if I need to be on it a little longer
Rachel B.
I don’t know if I’m seeing a ton of results!
Allison H.
I definitely notice when I do not take it. I start to feel bloated my facial hair starts coming back quicker and I feel worn down with no energy, but as soon as I start taking it again it makes a huge huge difference.
Laura B.
I am at the end of my third month trying this. I like the ingredients and how there are not a lot of fillers. They don’t upset my stomach even taken on an empty stomach with just coffee.
However, my period hasn’t started since taking this, and my hair on my chin hasn’t improved and maybe has gotten slightly worse.
I was on Flo O+ for three months before this and my periods were regular with that. Another factor is I stopped BC 6 months ago and the symptoms of detox hit me bad three months ago. It could be that I just need to stay consistent with this a little longer and that the post BC is impacting my results from taking this.
I’m also curious if taking a high volume of Biotin, Keratin and Collegen would lesson the affect of the androgen blocker.
I got an email that said I had unlocked 30% off my subscription if I continue. Is this 30% off the $59 bundle? If it’s not, I may need to ask for the refund for the last three months. I really want to try and see if sticking with it 6 months would help with detoxing, but I can’t afford it.
Mandy R.
Easy experience only a few weeks in yet so can’t wait to see how they impact my health !
Stacey P.
This has made such a difference in regulating my cycle.
Yessi L.
Since I have been taking PCOS essential Bundle, I’ve seen a huge difference, I feel so comfortable, I can sleep better than ever. Highly recommended
Jessica M.
I took a few months off to try a different product and quickly realized how well these products work!
Amanda G.
I found something that really helps . I am sleeping better. Feeling more energetic. I will be buying again and again.
Angel F.
I’ve had a good experience so far. I’ve been on it for almost a month now and I have noticed a difference in the heaviness of my periods. They are very abnormal; incredibly lengthy and lots of clotting. I’ve mainly noticed a difference in the clotting not being nearly as much. I’m curious to see any other changes through a couple more months.
Melissa S.
First time costumer, I’ve had the hardest time trying to find the right products especially having PCOS I've been trying to find something that will work and help me and after discovering Nourished Natural Health I have had amazing results it has been working great for me and I absolutely love this bundle that I am currently using I totally recommend using Nourished Natural Health products I can’t wait to try more!
Beandri O.
I am not sure how to feel about this product yet until I give it 3 months time and I will update my review,I have noticed minor differences which is a plus. I have noticed a significant decrease in my sweet tooth which is a plus for me,cystic acne is not as severe anymore and there is a little less facial hair but not a significant change just yet. I am starting month two right now and would like to give it a full three months to see what it does.
Michele P.
These 3 bottles of absolute heaven have made such a drastic change in my life. My period has regulated in just 30 days and less unwanted hair growth!
Federica B.
It’s the best the product that I have been using so far.
Kristina I.
The order came quick. Everything is as shown online. I noticed a difference even a day after taking the pills. It stopped the sugar cravings or feeling hungry after eating, and i was more relaxed. I am definitely ordering more.
Amanda D.
I can definitely tell the difference when i take these supplements! I feel better, i have more energy, my hair growth has slowed. I am completely sold on these supplements!
Love this product
Baylie R.
These supplements have helped my PCOS symptoms SO MUCH. I struggled with irregular bleeding in between my actual period. After taking these supplements that bleeding has gone away!! Great product
Katrina J.
Over the last 3 months I have noticed my mood swings are not as dramatic and I am in control of them for the most part. Me periods are more tolerable(not so painful) My energy is up I feel happy I feel like myself again. I love these and would recommend them to any woman with pcos.
Ashley J.
Finishing up week 4 and i have noticed a reduction in chin hair and sugar crazings. Hoping that the improvements continue.
Sarah D.
I have been taking it for a few months and its helped me drastically. My periods are regular and only a week long.
Yessi L.
hello there!! so this is my first time trying them, And I started to feel me better than before, I know that I gonna see the Optimus results after the three months, I wanna be consisten, but I can say that I have seen a huge change on my body, so far, I have so much energy and I can sleep very well , Thank you so much!! Great product!!
Leah S.
My body hair is getting lighter, to where plucking and laser hair removal is making it easier to slow down or eliminate some growth over time. Mustache is much lighter, and easier to pluck without so much pain. I take the androgen blockers and the blood sugar balancing vitamins. I am the most energetic I have been since before puberty, and it’s helped reduce my acne.
Morgan M.
I’m loving these supplements! I recently got of HBC and my PCOS systems reared their ugly head. I have been on these supplements for almost a month now and I’m already seeing my cycle start to regulate along with other PCOS systems subsiding. I would recommend to any woman!
Tiffany C.
After one month, I haven't experienced any hormonal changes. I'm curious to see what the next month will bring.
Kelly N.
I’ve been taking this bundle for about 2 months so far and have noticed my hirsutism go down the most! I am excited to see more results as I consistently take these products!
Whitney E.
I took these for one month after not having a cycle for months now. I finally had some light bleeding for about 4 days !! I also noticed I wasn’t sluggish and tired all the time. I am going to order more to see if I can continue to get better results!
Mariah R.
Only about 1 month on these and I already feel different. I originally went on these to regulate my cycles and ovulation but I have noticed a significant difference in my anxiety levels. The inositol supplement has been huge and I don’t plan on stopping any time soon.
Angela A.
I haven’t noticed a difference yet. I would like to give the product 90 days to see results.
mary c.
definetly noticed a decrease in bloating and cravings, will continue to purchase!
Tiffany M.
This combo of vitamins has made a huge difference in my sleep, energy levels, and attitude.
Brooke S.
I’ve been on these for a month now and am about to order my second month! So far I have noticed:
-less bloating
-weight loss (in unison to eating paleo as well)
-instances of more energy for longer periods.
I know it will take about 3 months to see total affects but already it is giving me hope to fight against my PCOS. ♥️
Sarai L.
Overall I have had progress in only two months of taking these supplements. I’ve definitely seen a difference in my hormonal acne and the androgen blocker is awesome! Very satisfied so far. Hope this helps
Melanie W.
Please cancel order didn't work
Grayce L.
Was skeptical of buying but it worked. It helped with cycle reappearing.
Mary R.
2 weeks later, I notice a huge difference in my high-caloric food cravings (sweet, fried, and salty). Still having facial hair growth, but its slowed some. No changes in weight, but a good difference in my energy levels. Hoping to continue noticing positive changes!
mayra s.
Sugar cravings are gone, and my stress levels are down.
Charnetta H.
I have pcos and I’ve been taking these supplements from this company for like 2-3 months now and everything seems the same I see no change.
Erin M.
Only a few months and my cycles have become more regular, less acne, and my hair growth has slowed down. Would recommend to anyone suffering with pcos.
Tiara L.
Only had it for a month. Haven’t see much change yet but will update.
Alysha P.
I’ve been gaining and losing the same 20 pounds for the past 5 years. I’m now down 35 pounds and lost inches around my stubborn midsection. Plus I’m generally feeling so much better. This product has been such a game changer.
Nicole A.
I have used these for a few months now and I have had significantly decreased cravings and it literally regulated my cycle! MAGIC!!!!
Alexander L.
Amazing products, thanks to these products I was able to have my menstrual cycle naturally. Mood swings and hirsutism have decreased.
Rega C.
Love the androgen blocker vitamins! I really feel like it’s making a difference. Going to be ordering again
Amber D.
Great products!! Could tell a huge improvement in my overall well being by the first 2 weeks! Have recommended to all the ladies in my life.
Ashely H.
I haven't been taking these long but I guess the biggest thing I've noticed is I've stopped binge eating and so I've been able to lose a lot of water weight
Brenda D.
I love these vitamins!
jacqueline l.
My face has cleared up so much and I’m forever grateful for these supplements!!
Really helping me with the sugar cravings.
Amber D.
Makes me feel more comfortable in my own skin!
Mary-Robin C.
Something is working. My skin hasn’t been this clear since I came out of the womb lol! I have known about my PCOS for about 4 years now but finally started doing research about a month ago on how I can fix some of this issues. Which mine are: unwanted facial hair, acne, mood swings, weight gain, fatigue, hair thinning, and constant sugar cravings. I found this company and ordered products right away. The first thing I have noticed is my skin is finally clearing up after having bad acne for years. I’m only a month in, so hopefully the other issues start to go away soon with the help of these pills. Fingers crossed!!!
I got off birth control and spironolactone back in February and have been taking the androgen blocker, pure inositol and the pcos blood sugar balance supplements instead. Two months in and they seem to be doing their job! I had a few breakouts when I stopped my previous medication but I bounced right back to having manageable skin imperfections. I think the credit goes to the supplements and other advice taken from Tamika. Overall, I feel SOOOO much better. Thanks Tamika for sharing all the things and your knowledge with us!
Sonia C.
I have PCOS. I have extensive hair loss because of the PCOS. I was very skeptical at first (because NOTHING worked) and only ordered 1 set. I noticed a difference within a week. My hair wasn't falling out in clumps, it was down to a few strands of hair. I then ordered a 3 month supply so that I never run out. Hopefully I keep seeing results.
Charlene L.
No cramps , and I felt better than before