For All Perinatal Stages

Nourished Mama Prenatal

Meticulously formulated to meet your preconception, pregnancy and postpartum needs.

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Amount per 3 capsule serving:

Vitamin A (1% as Beta-carotene) - 1500 mcg RAE
Vitamin C (as Ascorbic acid) - 250 mg
Vitamin D-3 (1000 IU as Cholecalciferol) - 250 mcg
Vitamin E (as mixed tocopherols) - 15 mg
Vitamin K-1 (Phytonadione) - 60 mcg
Vitamin K-2 MK7 (Menaquinone) - 20 mcg
Thiamine (Vitamin B-1) (as thiamine mononitrate) - 2.8 mg
Vitamin B-2 (Riboflavin) - 2.8 mg
Niacin (Vitamin B-3) (as Niacinamide) - 36 mg NE
Vitamin B-6 (as Pyridoxal 5'-Phosphate) - 20 mg
Levomefolic Acid (as L-methylfolate) - 600 mcg
Vitamin B-12 (as Methylcobalamin) - 5.6 mcg
Biotin - 150 mcg
Pantothenic Acid (Vitamin B-5) (as Calcium D-Pantothenate) - 20 mg
Choline (from Choline Bitartrate) - 450 mg
Calcium (as Calcium Citrate) - 300 mg
Iodine (from Kelp) - 200 mcg
Magnesium (as Magnesium Glycinate) - 300 mg
Zinc (as Zinc Biglycinate) - 13 mg
Selenium (as L-Selenomethionine) - 55 mcg
Copper (as Copper Bisglycinate) - 1 mg
Manganese (as Maganese Citrate) - 4 mg
Chromium (as Chromium Picolinate) - 50 mcg
Molybdenum (as Molybdenum Citrate) - 50 mcg
Ginger Extract (Zingiber officinale) (Root) (Standardized to min. 5% Gingerols) - 500mg
Inositol Powder - 100mg
BioPerine® (Piper Nigrum) (Fruit) (standardized to min. 95% piperine) - 1mg

Dosage & Warnings

3 capsules daily with a meal. This can be all at one time or split up between 2-3 meals if you prefer. If you struggle with taking capsules, you can open the capsules and mix into a smoothie, juice or liquid food.

If you are taking Nourished Mama Iron+, separate doses by at least 2 hours for optimal absorption.

While this supplement has been approved by a naturopathic doctor as safe for pregnancy and breastfeeding, you should always inform your doctor of any supplements you may be taking. If you are concerned about the health of yourself or your baby, talk to your health practitioner.

Children under 18 or individuals with a known medical condition should consult a physician before using any dietary supplement. Do not take this product while on warfarin therapy without medical advice. This medicine contains selenium which is toxic in high doses. A daily dose of 150 micrograms for adults of selenium from dietary supplements should not be exceeded. (Nourished Mama Prenatal contains 55 micrograms per 3 capsule dose).

Why Nourished Mama Prenatal?

100% of the RDI of choline

Methylated folate instead of folic acid

Ginger for morning sickness and nausea

Chromium for blood sugar support

Inositol for egg quality and ovulation support

Only 3 capsules daily

Nothing you don’t need

Why Nourished Mama Prenatal?

100% Natural Ingredients

For All Prenatal, Pregnancy & Postpartum Support For Baby & Mama

Vitamin D3

Vitamin D is produced naturally when our skin is exposed to adequate amounts of sunlight, however most mamas and mamas-to-be aren’t getting enough sun at the right times of day to meet the needs required for pregnancy and postpartum. We’ve used vitamin D3 instead of D2 as it is more readily available, and at a dose that is safe for pregnancy and breastfeeding. 

During pregnancy and even after birth if the mother is breastfeeding, baby relies on mama's supplies of vitamin D to meet their needs. This means that maintaining an adequate level of vitamin D throughout pregnancy and into the first few months of life is critical to support your baby’s developing immune system, bone health and much more. 
✓ immune function for mama and baby
✓ calcium absorption and bone health for mama and baby
✓ reduced changes of small-for-gestational-age babies
✓ reduced risk for preeclampsia, preterm birth, and gestational diabetes in mama

Vitamin B6

Due to a common genetic variation, many of us are poor converters of vitamin B6 Pyridoxine into the active form Pyridoxal 5'-Phosphate. We chose to use active vitamin B6 in Nourished Mama Prenatal to ensure optimal absorption of this critical vitamin.

✓ reduce pregnancy-related nausea (‘morning sickness’)
✓ mood and stress support
✓ reduced chances of pre-eclampsia and preterm birth

Vitamin B5

We use the most bioactive form of vitamin B5: calcium D-Pantothenate. It plays an important role in regulating hormones, promoting restful sleep and relieving pregnancy-related leg cramps.

✓ energy production
✓ restful sleep
✓ relieve pregnancy-related leg cramps
✓ healthy cardiovascular function
✓ regulate production of hormones including cortisol and melatonin

Folate (Vitamin B9)

We use the active, readily absorbable form of folate known as methylfolate and do not use folic acid in Nourished Mama Prenatal. Folic acid is a synthetic (lab-made) form of folate (vitamin B9), which requires your liver to convert it to the active form of folate. Many people struggle to make this conversion in their body, which means that even at high doses of folic acid, you may not be getting the benefits. It’s estimated that up to 60% of the population struggle to convert folic acid to methylated folate due to a common genetic variance.

Methylfolate is a naturally occurring form of folate that does not need to be converted by your body. It is highly bioavailable, meaning that it’s easy for everyone to absorb and utilize this type of folate. We have included the optimal dosage of 600 mcg of folate as both too much and too little folate can have detrimental effects for mama and baby.
✓ normal neural tube development for baby
✓ supporting baby’s growth and development
✓ DNA and red blood cell synthesis for baby
✓ immune system health and mood balance for mama

Vitamin B12

We use methylcobalamin - a highly bioavailable form of vitamin B12 that is readily used in the body. Many prenatals use cyanocobalamin which contains a harmful compound that needs to be removed from the body. We avoid this form to provide you with the safest and most effective source of vitamin B12 at a dosage that is optimal for mama and baby.

✓ energy production, metabolism, mood and stress management for mama
✓ spinal cord and brain development for baby (along with folate)


Choline is a critical nutrient during pregnancy, crucial for fetal brain development and preventing neural tube defects. Despite its importance, many prenatal supplements do not include choline at sufficient levels. As a key component of cell membranes, choline influences neural tissue formation, impacting a child's cognitive function and memory. Insufficient choline intake during pregnancy has been linked to developmental delays. Because choline can be difficult to obtain in sufficient levels through food, we included 100% of the recommended daily intake in Nourished Mama Prenatal to ensure optimal neurological development for babies-to-be.

✓ normal neural tube development for baby
✓ optimal brain growth and development for baby
✓ memory and liver function for mama


We have included 300 mg of calcium in Nourished Mama Prenatal which provides 23% of the recommended daily intake for pregnant women. Calcium is best absorbed when consumed predominantly through food, so this dosage was designed to fill nutritional gaps in mama’s diet, particularly in those who do not consume dairy. Other great sources of calcium to include in your diet include tinned salmon and sardines (with bones), chia seeds (2 tablespoons provides 180 mg calcium), almonds (1 cup provides more than 300 mg calcium), sunflower seeds, edamame beans, kale, broccoli and sesame seeds.

✓ supports mama’s dietary calcium intake
✓ healthy bone and teeth development for mama and baby
✓ muscle relaxation for mama
✓ regulation of insulin production (particularly important for PCOS mamas)


We source our iodine from kelp for a safe and readily absorbable form of iodine. Both too much and too little iodine can be harmful for mama and baby, so we dosed our iodine at 69% of the recommended daily intake to leave room for some dietary intake alongside our prenatal. Studies have shown a link between maternal iodine deficiency and reduced cognitive function in babies, making this a crucial nutrient for pregnancy and breastfeeding. 

✓ healthy thyroid function for mama
✓ brain and thyroid development for baby
✓ supports cognitive function in baby


We use magnesium bisglycinate, which means two glycine molecules are joined together with magnesium to enhance absorption. This form of magnesium is highly bioavailable and gentler on digestion. Some forms of magnesium including magnesium citrate and magnesium oxide can cause loose stools and bloating, as well as poor absorption. We have included magnesium bisglycinate at the dose of 300 mg, meeting 75% of the recommended daily intake. Magnesium can be found in many foods to help you reach our 100% including dark green leafy vegetables, legumes, nuts and seeds and wholegrains. 

✓ muscle relaxation for mama to support less aches, pains and cramps
✓ healthy blood pressure for mama
✓ stress reduction for mama
✓ strong teeth and bone building for baby
✓ promote normal birth weight for baby


We use L-Selenomethionine - one of the most bioavailable and easily absorbed forms of selenium to help you meet your needs for pregnancy and postpartum. Selenium is important both to help you fall pregnant and then meet the increased needs during pregnancy. 

✓ healthy thyroid function for mama
✓ healthy immune and detoxification processes for mama
✓ nervous and immune system development for baby
✓ healthy birth weight for baby


Our zinc is bound with two glycine molecules in the form of zinc bisglycinate, making it more readily absorbable and gentle on digestion. Zinc nourishes the ovarian follicles and supports them to grow and release healthy eggs, making it an important part of preconception. In pregnancy, zinc 

✓ hormone balance and improved egg quality for mama - nourishing the ovarian follicles to grow and release healthy eggs
✓ healthy immune function for mama
✓ support baby’s growth


We use copper bisglycinate as a readily available form of copper to meet mama’s needs in pregnancy and postpartum. Copper is an important trace mineral that is needed in very small amounts. Both too much and too little copper can have detrimental effects. Copper competes with zinc, and is best kept in an ideal ratio as we have done in Nourished Mama Prenatal.

✓ healthy red blood cell formation for mama and baby
✓ blood sugar balance for mama
✓ growth of baby's heart, blood vessels, skeletal and nervous systems


We’ve included the optimal dose of manganese to meet mama’s needs without overdoing it. Excess manganese in pregnancy has been associated with maternal hypertension. Equally, inadequate manganese levels have been associated with adverse birth outcomes including low birth weight and reduced cognitive function in infants.

✓ healthy, full-term pregnancy
✓ reduced risk of preeclampsia for mama
✓ healthy cognitive function for baby
✓ healthy bone and cartilage formation for baby


We use chromium picolinate - one of the most well researched and highly absorbable forms of chromium in Nourished Mama Prenatal. Chromium is an important nutrient, particularly for women dealing with excess insulin levels (for example in PCOS or gestational diabetes) as it helps to normalize blood sugar levels.

✓ maintain normal blood glucose and insulin levels for mama
✓ building proteins for baby
✓ normal glucose levels for preterm babies


Molybdenum is a micronutrient needed in tiny amounts to keep mama and baby healthy. It’s needed for effective detoxification of several toxic substances as well as cardiovascular health for mama. 

✓ effective breakdown and removal of toxins from the body for mama and baby

Ginger Extract

We know first-hand how debilitating ‘morning sickness’ (or more appropriately termed ‘all-day sickness’) can be for mamas, particularly in the first trimester. Ginger is one of the most powerful natural ingredients for relieving nausea which is why we included a therapeutic dose of ginger that is safe for pregnancy and can help to relieve nausea. 

✓ reduced nausea and morning sickness for mama
✓ digestive support for mama


Inositol is an important tool for promoting fertility in women with PCOS. It has been shown to support a reduction of insulin resistance which is a common factor preventing regular, healthy ovulation for women with PCOS. It has also been indicated to improve egg quality, enhancing the chances of a healthy conception.

During pregnancy, inositol offers benefits as well. Research shows that supplementation of myo-inositol during pregnancy is associated with reduced incidence of gestational diabetes, hypertensive disorders and preterm birth (Cochrane review, 2023 - DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD011507)
✓ Preconception: improve insulin sensitivity to promote regular, healthy ovulation and improved egg quality
✓ During pregnancy: studies show myo-inositol supplementation may reduce the risk of gestational diabetes, hyperstensive disorders and preterm birth

BioPerine (Black Pepper)

Bioperine is an extract from black pepper which has been shown to improve the absorption of several vitamins and minerals. We have added it to Nourished Mama Prenatal to make sure you get the most out of taking your prenatal. 

✓ Enhanced absorption of the vitamins and minerals in this prenatal

Vitamin K

We included two forms of vitamin K in ideal ratios and dosages: Vitamin K-1 (Phytonadione), and Vitamin K-2 MK7 (Menaquinone). Deficiency in Vitamin K can increase the risk of postpartum hemorrhage and is needed for normal blood clotting in babies after birth. Vitamin K also supports bone and cardiovascular health.

✓ reduced risk of postpartum hemorrhage
✓ normal blood clotting in mama and baby
✓ bone and cardiovascular system health in mama and baby

We have not included any iron because every mamas' needs vary.

If you need it, add it on

Frequently Asked Questions About Nourished Mama Prenatal

When should I start taking a prenatal vitamin? 

The ideal amount of time to take a prenatal before falling pregnant is at least 3 months prior to conception“¹”. This allows your body time to replenish nutrients to an optimal level before pregnancy. 

Folate helps to prevent neural tube defects which have the highest risk in the first 28 days of pregnancy“²”. Researchers recommend that women begin taking a folate vitamin before they become pregnant, to ensure that adequate levels are achieved in those critical first weeks of development (often before you even know you are pregnant). 

1. Viswanathan et al. 2023, PMID: 37526714
2. Greenberg et. al. 2011PMID: 22102928

Why does this prenatal not contain folic acid?

Folic acid is a synthetic (lab-made) form of folate (vitamin B9), which requires your liver to convert it to the active form of folate called methylated folate. Many people struggle to make this conversion in their body, which means that even at high doses of folic acid, you may not be getting the benefits. It’s estimated that up to 60% of the population struggle to convert folic acid to methylated folate due to a common genetic variance.

Methylated folate (aka levomefolic acid or 5-MTHF) is a naturally occurring form of folate that does not need to be converted by your body. It is highly bioavailable, meaning that it’s easy for everyone to absorb and utilize this type of folate. 

Why is there no iron?

We specifically left iron out of this formula because all mamas’ iron needs differ. Iron is an important nutrient in pregnancy, however in excess can cause increased levels of inflammation which can worsen pregnancy outcomes. Therefore, we only recommend taking an iron supplement if your levels are low or at certain points in pregnancy. 

As well as this, iron directly competes for absorption with calcium, magnesium and zinc (all which all feature in Nourished Mama Prenatal), therefore we believe separating doses of iron supplements from these ingredients is important. We created Nourished Mama Iron as an add-on to our prenatal so that you can choose the right dose for you based on your iron status. Read more and add-on Nourished Mama Iron+  here.

Do I need any other supplements during pregnancy?

Nourished Mama Prenatal is designed to meet or exceed your nutritional needs for most nutrients required in pregnancy. The only things we have left out are iron and omega 3, as these are best absorbed when taken separately to a prenatal supplement. For complete pregnancy and postpartum support, in addition to Nourished Mama Prenatal we recommend 2 capsules of Nourished Daily Omega+ and Nourished Mama Iron+ if needed. Read more about which women require an iron supplement in pregnancy and determine your optimal dose here

Why We Don't Use Folic Acid

How the body uses Folic Acid vs. Methylated Folate

Folic Acid

Folic acid is a synthetic form of vitamin B9. It relies on your liver converting this ingredient into its active form, methylated folate. That means that even with a high folic acid intake, folic acid supplementation only works efficiently when your body is able to make this conversion happen, which isn't the case for everyone.

In fact, 1 in 3 women struggle to absorb folic acid due to a common genetic variance.

Methylated Folate

Methylated folate (5-MTHF) is a naturally occurring type of folate that doesn't need to be converted by your body.

It has high bioavailability meaning that it's easy for everyone to absorb and use this form of folate effectively.

Frequently Asked Questions About Nourished Mama Prenatal

When should I start taking a prenatal vitamin? 

The ideal amount of time to take a prenatal before falling pregnant is at least 3 months prior to conception“¹”. This allows your body time to replenish nutrients to an optimal level before pregnancy. 

Folate helps to prevent neural tube defects which have the highest risk in the first 28 days of pregnancy“²”. Researchers recommend that women begin taking a folate vitamin before they become pregnant, to ensure that adequate levels are achieved in those critical first weeks of development (often before you even know you are pregnant). 

1. Viswanathan et al. 2023, PMID: 37526714

2. Greenberg et. al. 2011PMID: 22102928

Why does this prenatal not contain folic acid?

Folic acid is a synthetic (lab-made) form of folate (vitamin B9), which requires your liver to convert it to the active form of folate called methylated folate. Many people struggle to make this conversion in their body, which means that even at high doses of folic acid, you may not be getting the benefits. It’s estimated that up to 60% of the population struggle to convert folic acid to methylated folate due to a common genetic variance.

Methylated folate (aka levomefolic acid or 5-MTHF) is a naturally occurring form of folate that does not need to be converted by your body. It is highly bioavailable, meaning that it’s easy for everyone to absorb and utilize this type of folate. 

Why is there no iron?

We specifically left iron out of this formula because all mamas’ iron needs differ. Iron is an important nutrient in pregnancy, however in excess can cause increased levels of inflammation which can worsen pregnancy outcomes. Therefore, we only recommend taking an iron supplement if your levels are low or at certain points in pregnancy. 

As well as this, iron directly competes for absorption with calcium, magnesium and zinc (all which all feature in Nourished Mama Prenatal), therefore we believe separating doses of iron supplements from these ingredients is important. We created Nourished Mama Iron as an add-on to our prenatal so that you can choose the right dose for you based on your iron status. Read more and add-on Nourished Mama Iron+  here.

Do I need any other supplements during pregnancy?

Nourished Mama Prenatal is designed to meet or exceed your nutritional needs for most nutrients required in pregnancy. The only things we have left out are iron and omega 3, as these are best absorbed when taken separately to a prenatal supplement. For complete pregnancy and postpartum support, in addition to Nourished Mama Prenatal we recommend 2 capsules of Nourished Daily Omega+ and Nourished Mama Iron+ if needed. Read more about which women require an iron supplement in pregnancy and determine your optimal dose here