Being ‘dominant’ in estrogen means having more estrogen in relation to another key hormone progesterone.
How To Reverse Estrogen Dominance Naturally For Females

In This Article

Reverse Estrogen Dominance Naturally
The female hormonal system is beautifully complex. In a balanced hormonal system, all of our hormones work in concert, communicating messages between each other and our organs harmoniously.
Unfortunately, when one of our hormones becomes imbalanced, it can cause a flow-on effect to this communication and lead to symptoms like PMS, painful periods, weight gain and mood swings.
One of the most common hormones to fall out of balance is estrogen. Estrogen levels can become both too low and too high, but the more common scenario is estrogen dominance.
Being ‘dominant’ in estrogen means having more estrogen in relation to another key hormone progesterone.
Estrogen and progesterone are designed to work like a seesaw - balancing the levels of each other to encourage smooth communication with our brain, ovaries and adrenal glands.
When estrogen levels climb too high, or when progesterone levels dip too low, the result is the frustrating symptoms of estrogen dominance.
The balance between estrogen and progesterone can be disrupted by poor diet, stress, lack of sleep, impaired liver function, an unhealthy gut microbiome or exposure to environmental toxins.
Estrogen dominance can lead to symptoms of irregular periods, menstrual cramps, migraines, breast tenderness and mood swings.

What’s the difference between estrogen and progesterone?
There are several types of estrogen found in the female body. The most abundant and powerful form of estrogen is estradiol (E2).
Estradiol is responsible for building up a thick, healthy lining in your uterus in the first half of the menstrual cycle, in preparation for a potential pregnancy implantation.
Estrogen promotes strong bones, boosts libido and enhances skin health.
Progesterone is secreted in the second half of the cycle, after ovulation. It is responsible for maintaining the uterine lining that was built in the first half of the cycle. Progesterone promotes stable moods, reduces anxiety and promotes restful sleep.

Symptoms of Estrogen dominance
- Irregular or heavy periods
- Clots in your period
- Painful periods
- Mood swings, particularly premenstrually (feeling teary, frustrated or irritable)
- Breast tenderness and fibrocystic breasts
- Headaches and migraines (particularly premenstrually)
- Fluid retention (feeling ‘puffy’)
- Uterine fibroids
- low thyroid function
- Increased breast cancer risk
- Fatigue
- Bloating
- Weight gain or difficulty losing weight
- Storing fat around the hips, stomach and thighs
- Blood sugar imbalances

What causes estrogen dominance?
There are two ways your body can experience higher levels of estrogen in relation to progesterone.
Firstly, your body can create too much estrogen endogenously (internally) or struggle to properly eliminate natural estrogen through the liver and bowel.
Secondly, exposure to exogenous (external sources) of estrogen-like substances can increase estrogen levels in the body.
These substances are often referred to as endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs) and act similarly to estrogen in our bodies.
For the majority of women in my clinic, it is a combination of these factors that contributes to estrogen dominance over time, rather than one specific cause.

Endogenous (internal) sources of excess estrogen
See the Natural Solutions to Estrogen Dominance below for suggestions to address this factor.
Remember how we talked about the concert of hormones in your body?
Your hormones don’t work in isolation.
They are all communicating with one another to create a harmonious communication with key organs like your ovaries, brain and adrenal glands.
When one hormone is out of balance, it can cause a flow-on effect to other key hormones.
Experiencing imbalances in other hormones can therefore contribute to estrogen dominance symptoms.
This is especially true of progesterone imbalances.
Think you might have a hormone imbalance?
Take my Free 3-Minute Hormone Imbalance Quiz to find out, and receive a personalized report on your imbalances plus next steps to start healing them naturally.

How is estrogen broken down in the body?
Once your body has created natural estrogen and it has exerted its effects in the desired tissues in the body, it needs to be metabolized and eliminated.
Estrogen is broken down via two steps.
The first step takes place in the liver where natural and synthetic estrogen-like substances are broken down.
The second step takes place in the gut where the metabolized estrogen is packaged up and eliminated via our stool.
If either or both of these processes is not functioning optimally, estrogen can be reabsorbed into circulation rather than eliminated, contributing to high levels of estrogen.
The breakdown of estrogen in the liver requires several nutrients including B-vitamins, magnesium, glycine and selenium.
Deficiency in these nutrients can slow or impair liver breakdown of estrogen and other hormones. Liver function is further impaired by high intake of alcohol, caffeine and pharmaceutical drugs.
The second part of estrogen metabolism happens in the gut.
This requires a healthy gut bacteria (the “good” guys in our bowel), as well as regular bowel movements.
Having an unhealthy ratio of bacteria in your gut can cause estrogen to be reabsorbed rather than broken down and eliminated.
Similarly, if you are suffering from constipation or infrequent bowel movements, there is more time for estrogen to be reabsorbed, contributing to estrogen excess.

How is estrogen broken down in the body?
Other Sources Of Xenoestrogens Include:
- Bisphenol-A (BPA - found in plastics, lining of tin cans and receipts)
- Synthetic fragrances (like perfumes and air fresheners due to the addition of phthalates)
- Conventionally-raised meat and dairy (i.e. not organic due to the use of growth hormones)
- Non-organic fruits and vegetables (due to pesticide residue)
- Regular personal care products (due to the addition of toxic chemicals like parabens, preservatives and artificial fragrances)
- The birth control pill (due to the addition of synthetic estrogens like ethinylestradiol)
Tip: found this list overwhelming? Don’t worry! I’ve got you covered with simple tips to avoid xenoestrogens in the Natural Solutions section below.

Testing for estrogen dominance

How to reverse estrogen dominance naturally

4 Steps to Reverse Estrogen Dominance Naturally
Step 1 To Reversing Estrogen Dominance Naturally
Reduce exposure to environmental estrogens
- Prioritise organic fruit and vegetables - these products do not contain pesticides and growth agents which contribute to the toxic load in your body. If buying all organic is unaffordable, follow the Environmental Working Group’s Clean 15 and Dirty Dozen list
- Use glass containers for storing and reheating food, instead of plastic
- Use stainless steel water bottles instead of plastic
- Choose organic meat and dairy where possible. If this is not possible, avoid eating the fatty parts of meats (e.g. the skin) of conventionally raised animals as this is where most toxins are stored (similar to human bodies!)
- Consider an inexpensive water filter
- Slowly swap out regular personal care products with low-tox, natural alternatives. (*Note: my Hormone Harmony Academy students get access to an epic document of the best natural brands that actually work - check out the program here)
- Avoid using cling-wrap and other soft, flexible plastics - opt for natural beeswax wraps or paper bags as an alternative for storing and wrapping foods
- Minimise consumption of foods from tin cans, and choose BPA-free labelled cans where possible
- Slowly swap out regular cleaning products (including laundry powder and fabric softeners) in your home with low-tox, natural alternatives
- Consider ditching the birth control pill or other hormone replacement therapy (HRT) after consultation with your primary care provider. Speak to a holistic practitioner about natural alternatives to hormonal birth control and HRT
Step 2 To Reversing Estrogen Dominance Naturally
Eat an estrogen balancing diet
Eating foods which support hormone balance, naturally lower high estrogen levels and promote liver breakdown of estrogen are foundational to reversing estrogen dominance. Eating a ‘typical’ diet of processed foods, sugar and refined carbohydrates can promote increased estrogen levels in the body, worsening estrogen dominance.
Instead, focus on eating plenty of fibre, cruciferous vegetables, probiotic-rich foods and healthy fats to naturally lower estrogen levels. Consuming phytoestrogens can also support estrogen balance in the body.
Phytoestrogens are plant foods which have a similar structure to estrogen but a much weaker effect in the body than other xenoestrogens. This can be beneficial in high estrogen conditions by blocking the effects of stronger estrogens.
Great Sources Of Phytoestrogens To Naturally Balance Estrogen Levels In The Body Include:
- Ground flax seeds
- Legumes like mung beans, chickpeas and black-beans
- Sesame seeds
- Garlic
- Dried apricots, dates and prunes
- Fresh herbs: parsley, dill, sage
- Green tea
- Fennel seeds and aniseed
- Organic tempeh and miso (other soy products are generally best avoided in estrogen dominance)
Foods That Decrease High Estrogen
Focus On Eating These Foods Daily To Support Healthy Estrogen Levels In Your Body
Plenty of fibre
Fruits and vegetables with the skin on, ground flax seeds, chia seeds, psyllium husk
Cruciferous vegetable family (kale, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli)
These vegetables contain a compound called indole-3-carbinol (I3C) which helps the liver to break down excess estrogen - aim for at least once serve daily of one of these vegetables
Broccoli sprouts
Broccoli sprouts contain a concentrated source of I3C which supports the liver to breakdown excess estrogen
Probiotic-rich foods
These foods support a healthy gut microbiome which is essential for efficient clearance of estrogen in your bowel movements - try kimchi, sauerkraut, natural yoghurt, kombucha and kefir
Liver-supporting foods that help to balance estrogen
- dandelion green
- green tea
- Cacao
- citrus peel (e.g. lemon rind)
- Radishes
- bitter melon
Plenty of filtered water
NOT from a plastic bottle - opt for from a glass or use a stainless steel bottle. Aim for 2 to 3 litres daily, depending on your body size and exercise levels.
Healthy fats rich in omega-3 fatty acid
Healthy fats are essential to support natural hormone production. Omega-3 rich forms are some of the best fats you can include in your diet to help with estrogen dominance.
Try salmon, sardines, walnuts and chia seeds for an omega-3 hit, along with other healthy fat sources like avocado, olive oil, coconut, nuts and seeds.
A high quality fish oilis absolutely essential when you are trying to reverse estrogen dominance naturally. Here at Nourished, we have spent thousands of hours researching high quality fish oils to support with reversing estrogen dominance. Our Daily Omega+ vitamin is a 100% sustainably sourced, high quality fish oil made from the highest quality.
Made in the USA with free shipping available internationally. Get yours by clicking the button below.
Foods That Worsen Estrogen Dominance
Limit Or Avoid These Foods And Drinks To Naturally Regulate Estrogen In Your Body
Limit to one cup or shot of espresso daily or replace with green tea to reduce the burden on your liver to metabolise caffeine
Just one glass of wine can dramatically increase estrogen levels in the body. This is because alcohol changes the way that the body breaks down estrogen.
The effect is increased with the amount of alcohol you consume, to aim to limit alcohol to special occasions and stick to maximum 3 glasses in one sitting
Conventional meat and dairy products
Animal products that are not organic often use growth hormones, antibiotics and pesticides in their products, some of which still remain in the final product you consume.
Opt for organic, grass-fed or pasture raised where possible.
Refined sugar, processed foods and refined carbohydrates
Products like cakes, cookies, white bread, white pasta and deep fried foods promote unstable blood sugar which contribute to and worsen hormonal imbalances due to insulin instability.
Non-organic soy
If you choose to consume soy products, opt for strictly organic and unprocessed forms. Soy is one of the most heavily sprayed crops and has been shown to retain significant levels of pesticides and herbicides like roundup.
Consume unprocessed, organic soy products in moderation (like miso, tempeh and natto). For most of my estrogen dominant clients and students in Hormone Harmony Academy, I find it’s best to avoid more processed forms of soy like soy milk, tofu and vegetarian meat substitutes.
Step 3 To Reversing Estrogen Dominance Naturally
Boost Liver Breakdown of Estrogen
An efficiently functioning liver is essential to clearing high estrogen levels.
To boost your liver function, focus on the liver supporting foods in the estrogen dominance diet plan: dandelion greens, green tea, cacao, citrus peel (e.g. lemon rind), radishes and bitter melon.
The liver also requires magnesium, glycine, selenium and B-vitamins so ensure any deficiencies of these nutrients are addressed. Visit a holistic practitioner for further support around nutrient deficiencies.
In my Hormone Harmony Academy program, we cover specific nutritional supplements and vitamins for estrogen dominance in depth. I teach my students how to individualize their supplement protocols based on their symptoms and take them through a 14-day detox plan to boost liver function.
The KEY supplement that I would suggest first and foremost to support the liver’s breakdown of estrogen would be our Hormone Detox + Digestion natural vitamin. This herbal blend works by supporting your liver and digestive system to eliminate excess hormones and is ideal for women dealing with estrogen dominance.
All our vitamins are 100% natural and made in the USA.
Step 4 To Reversing Estrogen Dominance Naturally
Promote Estrogen Elimination Through The Gut
After your liver has broken down estrogen, it is sent to the gut to be packaged up with your stool and eliminated. In a healthy gut, the estrogen and other hormones are efficiently removed in your stool.
An unhealthy microbiome (the balance of good and bad bacteria in your gut) can cause estrogen to be “uncoupled” and reabsorbed into circulation instead of being eliminated.
This re-absorption contributes to high estrogen levels in the body.
If you are suffering from sluggish bowels, constipation or incomplete emptying, metabolized estrogen has more time to be reabsorbed into the body, rather than quickly being eliminated.
Addressing gut elimination of estrogen requires a healthy microbiome and regular, daily stools. To promote a healthy microbiome, enjoy probiotic-rich foods daily (cultured natural yoghurt, kimchi, sauerkraut and kombucha) and avoid unnecessary antibiotic use.
To promote daily stools, ensure you are eating plenty of fibre.
Fibre is essential to feed the good bacteria in your gut and keep you regular. If you struggle to go to the toilet daily, try 1 teaspoon of psyllium husk in a large glass of water after dinner or add 1-2 Tbsp of ground flax seeds or chia seeds to your breakfast or smoothies.

Other natural treatments for estrogen dominance

Supplements and vitamins for estrogen dominance

About The Author - Tamika Woods

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What Does Estrogen Dominance Mean?
What Causes Estrogen Dominance?
Estrogen dominance can be caused by poor diet, stress, lack of sleep, impaired liver function, an unhealthy gut microbiome or exposure to environmental toxins.
What Are The Symptoms Of Estrogen Dominance?
Estrogen dominance can lead to symptoms of irregular periods, menstrual cramps, migraines, breast tenderness and mood swings.
How Do Estrogen And Progesterone Work?
Estrogen and progesterone are designed to work like a seesaw - balancing the levels of each other to encourage smooth communication with our brain, ovaries and adrenal glands. When estrogen levels climb too high, or when progesterone levels dip too low, the result is the frustrating symptoms of estrogen dominance.
What’s The Difference Between Estrogen And Progesterone?
Estrogen is secreted in the first half of the cycle and is responsible for triggering the uterine lining to grow and thicken. Progesterone is secreted in the second half of the cycle and is responsible for maintaining the uterine lining in preparation for a potential fertilised egg implantation. If there is no fertilised egg, both estrogen and progesterone levels will diminish around 10-16 days after ovulation, triggering the uterine lining to be shed in the form of a menstrual bleed.
What Is The Function Of Estrogen?
There are several types of estrogen found in the female body. The most abundant and powerful form of estrogen is estradiol (E2). Estradiol is responsible for building up a thick, healthy lining in your uterus in the first half of the menstrual cycle, in preparation for a potential pregnancy implantation. Estrogen promotes strong bones, boosts libido and enhances skin health.
What Is The Function Of Progesterone?
Progesterone is secreted in the second half of the cycle, after ovulation. It is responsible for maintaining the uterine lining that was built in the first half of the cycle. Progesterone promotes stable moods, reduces anxiety and promotes restful sleep.
What Causes Estrogen Dominance?
Estrogen dominance is caused by a higher exposure to estrogen-like environmental compounds (like plastics and hormonal birth control) and/or poor metabolism of natural estrogens in the liver and gut. Often it is a combination of these two factors that contributes to estrogen dominance over time, rather than one single cause.
How Do You Test For Estrogen Dominance?
Estrogen and progesterone can be tested using regular blood tests at your doctors office, however these tests are not highly sensitive and it’s common for hormone imbalances to be missed, particularly when it comes to estrogen. The gold standard of hormone testing is the Dried Urine Test for Comprehensive Hormones (DUTCH) which examines the key reproductive hormones like estrogen, testosterone and progesterone, as well as their metabolites to provide a comprehensive picture of your overall hormone balance.
How Do You Reverse Estrogen Dominance Naturally?
Estrogen dominance can be reversed by reducing exposure to environmental estrogens, and supporting efficient metabolism and elimination of estrogen in the body. My 4-step approach to reversing estrogen dominance includes: reduce exposure to xenoestrogens, following an estrogen-dominance diet plan, boosting liver detoxification and promoting estrogen elimination through the bowels.
How Do You Lower Estrogen Levels In Females Naturally?
Estrogen levels can be lowered naturally by supporting the liver to clear excess estrogen, and promoting healthy, regular bowel movements to eliminate metabolised estrogen.
How Do You Lower Estrogen Levels With Supplements
The most powerful supplement to lower estrogen levels is diindolylmethane (DIM) which reduces production of estrogen in the body, and enhances clearance through the liver. This is a powerful compound and should only be used under supervision of a healthcare practitioner, or once high estrogen levels have been confirmed through testing.
Can Diet Influence Estrogen Dominance?
Eating foods which support hormone balance, naturally lower high estrogen levels and promote liver breakdown of estrogen are foundational to reversing estrogen dominance.
What Foods Decrease High Estrogen Levels?
The best foods to decrease high estrogen levels are fibre, cruciferous vegetables, broccoli sprouts, green tea and probiotic-rich foods like sauerkraut.
What Foods Increase Estrogen Levels?
The foods that increase estrogen levels and can worsen estrogen dominance are coffee, alcohol, refined sugar, refined flour products (like cakes and cookies) and processed soy products.
What Foods Should You Avoid For Estrogen Dominance?
The foods to avoid when you have estrogen dominance are conventional meat and dairy products, excess alcohol consumption, high caffeine intake, refined sugar and processed soy products.