
For Women Looking To Eliminate The Symptoms Of PCOS Forever

"Finally! A Simple Scientific PCOS Solution For Women Who Are Tired Of Confusing And Conflicting PCOS Advice"

Here's how I broke free from the soul destroying symptoms of PCOS by studying the evidence behind what drives our worst symptoms.

What is the PCOS Repair Protocol?

Despite what you might have been told, the scientific evidence tells us that it is possible to achieve a healthy weight, clear your acne, regulate your cycles, stop excessive hair growth or fall pregnant with PCOS...

WITHOUT going on fad diets, cutting calories, killing yourself at the gym, or getting any more bad advice from your doctor about nasty drugs or PCOS pregnancy myths.

The PCOS Repair Protocol book is the ultimate evidence-based, 216-page step-by-step guide to creating an individualized program to reverse your symptoms for good. 

It is my life's work to help women with PCOS and it was written with deep passion for helping women like YOU achieve your dream health.

This book and accompanying bonuses simplify and summarize the work of 500+ peer-reviewed studies on PCOS into a simple 4-step protocol to support YOUR unique symptoms.

It doesn’t involve deprivation diets (ie. no gluten free), cutting out foods you love, killing yourself at the gym or completely overhauling your lifestyle.

It’s time to take back control and thrive with PCOS by using the science as our foundation.

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The PCOS Repair Protocol is a shortcut

Before I created the PCOS Repair Protocol I was on the verge of giving up on my PCOS.

I was ready to accept my tired, babyless, unhappy life as my reality.

I got myself a deal I never signed up for. I was desperate to clear my skin, fix my hair loss, regulate my cycles and, most importantly, have a baby after years of suffering.


I spent a decade working round the clock to figure out what was wrong with me.

But as it turns out, I spent that 10 years doing everything wrong.

Before giving up forever I decided to take my health into my own hands...

2 university degrees, additional post-graduate study and tens of thousands of hours of research later, I had my answers.

As it turns out, I had been treating my symptoms without any understanding of what was actually causing them.

Since then, I have treated thousands of women with PCOS in my clinical nutrition practice with this new approach in mind. 

And once I figured this out it changed everything...

After seeing these women's results, I spent countless hours documenting my new way of managing PCOS.

I took my initial approach and partnered with doctors and naturopaths to create this protocol. 

The PCOS Repair Protocol treats the root cause of your PCOS and not just your symptoms.

It goes like this:

Clients & Features



The PCOS Repair Protocol eBook

221 page eBook where you learn the whole PCOS Repair Protocol.

PCOS Fertility Formula: Our Signature Mini-Course On Getting Pregnant With PCOS

Fast track your pregnancy success with our 4 module quickstart mini-course.

Simple Weight Loss Strategies For PCOS

Don't get lost in the minefield of PCOS weight loss misinformation. All the scientifically proven essentials to weight loss.

Acne & Hair Solution: My 2-Part Masterclass Series

Deep dive into my video masterclass series on how the 2 biggest secrets to reversing hormonal acne & unwanted hair growth in PCOS.

Kick Your Cravings: Banish Sugar Cravings Forever

Stop being a slave to sugar and banish those constant lingering desires for a quick sugar hit with this ultimate guide.

Beat The Bloat: 3 Hacks To Supercharged Digestion

Rid yourself of painful bloating and looking like you're 12 weeks pregnant with these evidence based digestion hacks.

PCOS Friendly Food Formula: The Complete Manual To Making Any Meal PCOS Friendly

No more calorie counting. Learn 2 secret hacks to transform your favourite foods into PCOS friendly dishes.

PCOS Repair Protocol Facebook Community

Join like-minded women on their journey to heal PCOS. Direcly access our team of naturopaths & nutritionists for questions. 


Here's How I Went From Being Alone, Acne Ridden, Overweight & Balding To Married With A Baby & Healthy By Following The Science Behind What Causes PCOS And Using It Overcome My Symptoms

 This is a completely new framework for women to thrive with their PCOS - Read The Story Below To Discover How The PCOS Repair Protocol Was Created...

Dear Future PCOS Repair Protocol Owner

From: The laptop of Tam Woods

Re: Your Freedom (and why this is the best way out)

The information shared in this 221-page book and accompanying bonuses have helped thousands of women thrive with their PCOS symptoms.


You should be.

After all, you can’t believe everything you read on the internet :-)

So Let Me Prove It To You

But first, read this disclaimer:

I have had the benefit working with women with PCOS for a long time now.

One thing I've learned is that big health goals require massive and consistent effort and action. 

If you're not willing to put in the effort to read The PCOS Repair Protocol or you are looking for a quick fix, then unfortunately this is not the book bundle for you.

And yes, takes time and energy to follow the steps in this protocol...

...But after some upfront effort you will be armed with the knowledge to live in harmony with your PCOS symptoms forever, while barely having to think about what to do.

With that said … let me jump right in and show you...

How I Have Helped These Women With PCOS By Using An Evidence-Based Approach That I’m About To Share With You On This Very Page…

The same PCOS Repair Framework that women from all over the world are now using to heal their symptoms…

...And kick a** despite their PCOS...

...All while getting the support they need so they can focus on LIVING THEIR BEST LIFE (FINALLY)...

Just Like Helen, Who Followed The Principles I Teach In The PCOS Repair Protocol To Eliminate Her Acne…

Soon after, she was able to go makeup free for the first time in 20 years. She posted in our Facebook Group...

And even though clear skin and regular periods is a dream come true for women with PCOS...

The best part is that Helen knows what to do to keep her symptoms under control with little to no effort.

That's right, she is able to continue to implement the principles I teach to thrive with her PCOS.

And Helen isn’t the only one either…

This Is Laura, One Of Our PCOS Clients, Who Followed The PCOS Repair Protocol…

...And soon after was having regular cycles and incredible symptom relief...

Here’s a post from our private FB Community, which you also get access to with the PCOS Repair Protocol today.

Here’s another client who used the PCOS Repair Protocol to change their life...

Meet Danielle Who Fell Pregnant Naturally Pregnancy By Following The PCOS Repair Protocol...

That's her post in our Facebook group after finding out she was pregnant

Helen, Laura And Danielle Are A Group Of Over 1000 Who Are Doing Things Differently & Conquering PCOS Naturally…

And When You Get The PCOS Repair Repair Protocol, You Will Find Dozens Of Stories Just Like Theirs In The Group

And you can BET...

This way of supporting PCOS is not your typical unscientific online program that is so common these days…

…This evidence-based book is something completely different, because…

  • We don’t cut out the foods you love. 

  • We don’t focus on calorie counting.  

  • We don’t do one-size-fits-all approaches. 

  • We don’t force you to go gluten and dairy free. 

  • We don’t focus on intense, unsustainable workouts. 

  • We don’t let you beat up on yourself if you aren't perfect.

  • We don’t let you figure it out on your own. 

In fact: we will be there every step of the way with you.

I Set Up An Natural, Effective & Evidence Based System Called The PCOS Repair Protocol That Will Be The Only Solution You Will Ever Need...

This system has the power to change everything for you…

…and I know that’s true…

Because it changed everything for me.

The PCOS Repair Protocol allowed me to get rid of 99% of all the BS that online 'gurus' say you have to do to heal PCOS…

  • Like going gluten and dairy free... 

  • Like doing intense workouts to lose a couple of pounds.

  • Like deep calorie counting that takes up multiple hours in your day.

  • Like giving up all the foods you love and looking like a freak when you go out to dinner with friends

  • Like becoming a professional chef to cook the right foods to heal your cycle

  • Like taking the pill to heal your PCOS

  • ​And SO MUCH more bad advice

The PCOS Repair Protocol Freed Me From All That And It Allowed Me To Heal My PCOS Symptoms, Lose Weight, Get Pregnant And Forget About My Symptoms Because Finally I Know How To Control Them

We have a saying here at PCOS Protocol HQ…

“Overcoming PCOS is step by step, simple & predictable for women who know what rules to follow”

The problem is that there’s so many things online that women don’t know where to turn or who to trust to show them the way

So with that in mind...

Here's what I see most people do wrong when they try to heal their PCOS…

I call this the “Symptomatic Treatment Spiral”:

  • Step 1 - Something is up. You are putting on weight, your skin is breaking out, you're losing hair like crazy, your cycles are all over the place and there is hair growing in places it DEFINITELY shouldn't be

  • Step 2 - You go to the doctor. Of course! What else would you do when you don't feel well?

  • Step 3 - The doctor diagnoses you with PCOS and tells you your only options are to lose weight, exercise more or go on the pill and that you'll probably have a hard time falling pregnant in the future

  • Step 4 - The doctor diagnoses you with PCOS and tells you your only options are to lose weight, exercise more or go on the pill and that you'll probably have a hard time falling pregnant in the future

  • Step 5 - Scour the internet for the latest diet hack or workout plan that seems to be working for other women 

  • Step 6 - Start a new restrictive diet and exercise plan, cut out all the foods you love, feel deprived, hungry and exhausted 

  • Step 7 - Last a few days on the new plan, feel miserable and see zero changes in your symptoms. Wonder why it seems so easy for everyone else

  • Step 8 - Back on social media searching for the next potential 'cure' 

  • Step 9 - Repeat steps 6 and 7 over and over again for weeks, months or even years on end.

  • Step 10 - End up back in the doctor's office feeling even worse than before and being offered another medication to 'manage' your symptoms without any real advice

  • Step 11 - Feel like a failure. Wonder why you can't figure this out.

The symptomatic treatment spiral not only sucked, but kept me stuck for 10+ years - forcing me to spend all my savings and spend all my time on finding a solution.

To be honest…

...I Almost Gave Up On This Whole Idea Of Healing My PCOS.

... But before I gave up..

I wanted to try something.

Something that - if it worked.

It would change everything.

And as you're about to find out, what I tried...

... It worked...

And I spent years turning it into a system...

I Put Everything I Learned From 10 Years Of Study, Personal PCOS Success And Seeing Thousands Of Clients Into A 221 Page Book Called The “PCOS Repair Protocol”. You Can Start Reading It In Just A Few Moments From Now…

But before you do...

Let me introduce myself.

My name is Tam Woods. 

I'm a Clinical Nutritionist, Natural Fertility Educator, founder of Nourished Natural Health. Most importantly I'm also a fellow sufferer of PCOS.

Life is pretty incredible right now…

I just gave birth to a gorgeous, healthy baby girl after managing to fall pregnant naturally despite all odds due to my PCOS.

I run a specialized online business where my team and I help thousands of women free themselves from debilitating period pain, confidence destroying acne, fertility struggles and, of course, PCOS.

After years of studying and going through the endless treatment options for PCOS, I managed to naturally reverse my symptoms. After years of struggling with my health I was able to achieve:

  • Pain free periods 

  • Healthy glowing skin (so I could finally leave the house without feeling self conscious!)

  • Regular, healthy cycles 

  • ​​Supercharged fertility

  • ​​Little to no PMS

  • Improved moods

  • ​​Improved digestion

  • Natural conception

  • And a healthy pregnancy and baby girl

Here's a sneak peek of what my life looks like now:

As We Get To Know Each Other You'll See Why I Consider Myself The Luckiest Person In The World Because My Life Was Not Like This For A Very, Very Long Time... In Fact My Life Was A Mess.

My journey with PCOS started in my teens.

Like many others, the acne around my jawline and irregular cycles prompted me to visit my doctor.

Within minutes I was prescribed the pill as a 'solution' to fix my period problems by regulating my period and clearing my skin. 

Fast forward 4 years of dealing with weekly migraines caused by the pill, I decided to stop taking it and see how my body reacted.

To my surprise - all of my old symptoms came back! 

The migraines disappeared, but my period only showed up once every few months and my skin broke out worse than my high school days.

I was gaining weight just by looking at a piece of cake, I had zero energy and my anxiety levels skyrocketed. 

My gut flared up, I was constantly bloated and feeling unwell. 

I didn’t want to leave the house because I was so embarrassed about my skin.

I was constantly on edge not knowing when my period would arrive. My hair was falling out in clumps. I was ruining my relationship with my mood swings... 

In Short: I Felt Completely Uncomfortable And Ashamed To Be In My Own Body.

So I found myself back in the doctor's office, finally receiving a diagnosis of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS).

I was told it would be very difficult if not impossible to get pregnant naturally in the future and that the best solution was to "lose some weight and exercise more”.

As a type-A overachiever, I took this information to the extreme.

I tried every fad diet out there to resolve my issues. 

  • I did the juice cleanses. 

  • Intermittent fasting. 

  • Keto.

  • ​Vegan.

  • ​I did the juice cleanses.

  • Low FODMAP.

  • 5:2.

  • ​Paleo.

I joined the gym and took the highest intensity classes they had on offer every morning.

I hit the pavement every morning and in the evening tried to ‘jog it off’ to lose the extra weight.

And none of it worked.

I bought every celebrity-endorsed face mask that promised to clear my skin.

I spent $1000’s on vitamins that promised to regulate my cycle.

I did clay cleanses to ‘detox’ my gut.

And guess what? None of that worked either.

My symptoms were getting worse. The weight wasn’t budging. 

I was miserable, exhausted and losing hope fast. 

I decided I needed to take matters into my own hands.The answers I needed weren’t out there in my endless Google searches or influencer posts on Instagram.

I went back to university and spent 9 years studying Nutritional Medicine, Education and Women’s Health and Fertility.

During this time I realized that the way I had been trying to heal my PCOS was completely wrong. 

I realized that I needed to treat the cause of my symptoms instead of treating each symptom separately.

I had a burning desire to know why I was feeling the way I did. 

I needed to understand what was holding me back from clearing my skin, regulating my cycle, finding a stable weight and conceiving naturally in the future.

In My Research, I Discovered That There Were 4 Types Of PCOS. 

Similar symptoms experienced by women with PCOS that were caused by different things - unique to each woman.

I discovered that high stress hormones were at the heart of my personal PCOS symptoms.

This meant that the intense workouts, following restrictive diets and putting pressure on myself were making my PCOS worse!

It turns out the standard diet and exercise advice doesn’t work for us PCOS sufferers.

The way our bodies use glucose (sugar), burn calories, manage stress hormones and control inflammation isn’t the same as our non-PCOS friends. 

Women With PCOS Like Us Need A Specialized Approach That Supports Our Unique Hormonal Situation

Over the next few years I tested out protocols on myself and my 1:1 clients.

I discovered that by addressing the root cause of PCOS I could make the changes I wanted.

I started following specialized PCOS-friendly diet and lifestyle advice.

With this information I began to understand that by it was possible to reverse the symptoms that come with this syndrome.

By 2019, I had cleared my skin, found a healthy, stable weight (without feeling deprived), was having regular, 29-day cycles and finally felt like myself again.

I had repaired my relationship, gotten married and had a burning desire to share all of my knowledge with the world. 

And That Was The Birth Of My Business & Ultimately The PCOS Repair Protocol

I wanted to created a safe place for women with all kinds of hormonal imbalances.

A place to learn about the diet and lifestyle practices that support hormonal wellness.

Specifically, I wanted to help women with PCOS and save them the heartache and headaches that I went through.

Download The eBook For Just $2.99!

Delivered instantly. Start reading in the next 2 minutes.

Since Starting My Business I Have Been Fortunate Enough To Work With 1000s Of Women With PCOS And Other Period Problems To Finally Find The Evidence-Based Formulas That Works For Them To Turn Their Lives Around.

In 2020, my husband and I fell pregnant naturally after only 3 months of trying and I gave birth to my beautiful baby girl Sage in early 2021.

After years of being told I would need drugs to fall pregnant, this felt like the ultimate testament to all my hard work. 

Having PCOS is incredibly tough. 

It can feel unfair that we have all of these extra things to take care of when our friends seem to be able to live life however they please. 

I like to remind myself that PCOS taught me the importance of self care.

Without the acne, the hair loss, the weight changes and the period problems, I would have never been inspired to take a deep look at the way I lived my life and took care of my body.

I am forever grateful for my PCOS in teaching me how to deeply listen and understand what my body needs, and respond with love.

Being a cyster has taught me incredible resilience and a deep compassion for other women.

It is my hope for you that you can take solitude in the fact in one thing...

While PCOS Is A Lifelong Condition, With The Right Advice It Is Absolutely Possible To Live Symptom-Free.

Having this condition has already made you stronger and more resilient.

It has brought you into one of the most supportive communities of women I have ever met. 

There Is A Vibrant, Balanced Version Of You Deep Inside (As Much As It Might Not Feel Like It Right Now) And I Cannot Wait For You To Meet Her Again.

I proved the idea of “following the scientific method” to be 100% correct…

Instead of following fad diets and quick fixes…

I know exactly what to do to keep my hormones from ever getting the best of me again...

I am in complete control of my hormones, life and health.

Leafy greens, as you'll soon find out, are pretty dang important for PCOS

Unlike most women who have no idea what is wrong with them and what's causing it…

I have gotten to the point using the PCOS Repair Protocol where my health works for me, I don't work for it.

Most women will spend so much time and energy trying and failing over and over again to achieve their PCOS goals.

I did this for years, and it not only drove me crazy…

It drove me to the point where I was spending more time thinking about my health and researching the next 'hot thing' than I was actually implementing changes.

My health owned me.

Want To Know What The Main Difference Is With The PCOS Repair Protocol And That “Old Way” Of Doing Things?

I actually know what I need to do to stay healthy...

Even when I get off track with life's fun stuff - weddings, parties, silly season - I always know what to come back to.

And The Result Of Using This New Way?

Which Naturally Leads To...

Small daily changes that lead to big incremental improvements overall.

And the best part?

We do absolutely none of this:

The really cool thing is that…

If you follow every single step that I teach, you end up with all the tools you need to heal your PCOS...

But it’s much more than that...

It Actually Allows You To Own Your Health In The Long Term...

Right now, as you're reading this very page...

There's a lot of activity happening in the world of health.

The internet has changed everything - for everyone - "PCOS experts" are popping up everywhere with fad diets, hardcore workout programs and stuff that just flat out doesn't work.

This has created a massive lack of trust for people like me who are doing things the right way. The natural, effective & evidence-based way.

Now, people are starting to see that the fad diets and weight loss programs just do not work for something as serious as PCOS...

Women Need To Invest The Time In The RIGHT PLACE To Learn How To Solve Their PCOS Issues Once And For All.

And that's where the PCOS Repair Protocol comes in...

It does this beautifully in 4 simple steps...

And that’s the difference here. 

For many of us, PCOS is tied to a feeling of restriction and deprivation after years spent trying to stick to diets and exercise plans in order to manage our symptoms.

As you’re reading this, an old familiar feeling of dread might be creeping in again.

You might be wondering: “Will she tell me to cut out gluten, carbs, sugar or dairy forever?” or “How much intense exercise will she tell me to do?”.

When You Were First Diagnosed, You Were Likely Told By Your Practitioner That To Manage Your PCOS You Need To “Lose Weight And Exercise More”. 

The problem with this is that for women with PCOS who haven’t addressed their root cause - losing weight is almost impossible.

Our bodies don’t function the same as someone without PCOS.

The reason that the diets you’ve tried in the past haven’t worked isn’t because you didn’t stick to the plan or you weren’t disciplined enough. 

Our Hormonal Imbalances Prevent Our Bodies From Shedding Weight Even When We Eat Less And Move More. 

This is a protective measure because our body knows that our hormones are out of whack.

Once we address what’s causing your hormone imbalances and put a highly personalized plan in place, you will find that losing weight becomes a happy side effect of working on your root cause.

I have worked with hundreds of women who have felt like failures because they couldn’t keep following ridiculously low calorie or restrictive diet plans.

So many of these women told me they thought they were the problem. 

If you’ve failed in the past, I want you to know now: it isn’t your fault.

You’re not a lost cause.

You can thrive with PCOS. 

It is possible to easily achieve a healthy weight, clear your acne, regulate your cycles, stop excessive hair growth and fall pregnant naturally with PCOS.

You just need the right, individualized advice to reverse your root cause so that you can live your most incredible, symptom-free life. 

The PCOS Repair Protocol Does Not Involve Deprivation Diets, Cutting Out Foods You Love Forever, Killing Yourself At The Gym Or Completely Overhauling Your Lifestyle.

This is because those methods don’t work.

On my own 10 year journey to find answers I tried every diet under the sun and failed to lose weight, clear my skin or get my periods regular again.

Not only did I see no results, I was tired, cranky, snapping at my husband and literally consumed by thoughts about food - it was exhausting!

I designed this framework to focus on abundance rather than restriction.

No foods are 100% off limits. You won’t find a hardcore workout plan or lengthy daily practices you have to follow. 

Throughout this book, you’ll learn how you can focus on increasing the foods that are most supportive for your PCOS. You will naturally crowd out less helpful foods without ever feeling deprived.

You’ll discover which specific changes will be most impactful for your unique PCOS root cause, and which you can get away with not following. 

Together We Will Create A Plan That Focuses On The Minimal Number Of Changes For Maximum Effect On Your Symptoms.

The changes you make will be staggered so that you never feel overwhelmed with doing everything all at once.

We’ll cover the top evidence-based hacks to transform your new routines into lifelong habits.

Within a few months, not only will you be noticing a significant reduction in your symptoms, you will be effortlessly following the PCOS Repair Framework principles and finally living in flow with your PCOS.

This journey will ultimately set you up for lifetime success.

My team and I are here to support you in the long-term, whether you choose to have our support through this book, through our many digital platforms or working directly with us in our online communities.

You’ll find everything you need to heal the root cause of your PCOS in this book.

I haven’t held anything back because I want you to have the best chance to thrive with PCOS.

Many women with PCOS have been able to completely turn their lives around simply by implementing the framework I outline in this book. 

And You Know What? I'll Stake My Entire Reputation On This One Promise

You can thrive with your PCOS and live in flow with your condition.

And once you develop good habits and the principles in the PCOS Repair Protocol become second nature...

Dealing with your PCOS isn’t something you ever need to worry about again - or even think about.

This is what having a proven protocol can do.

Here’s what I want you to do now: set your calendar right now - set it to 2 weeks from today.

Because if you implement everything I’m going to share with you in the PCOS Repair Protocol book.

That’s when you’ll start seeing results. After just 2 weeks.

And you will be like a freight train, gaining momentum as you go…

And at the core of it, everything I teach is simple.

I know how ridiculous that sounds…and cliche that sounds…

And Just A Few Years Ago… I’d Tell You That You’re Crazy If You’d Ever Believe Such Protocol Existed…

…But, today I know better.


I don’t care how many times you’ve tried to heal your PCOS…

I promise you this…

Anyone can get heal their PCOS with the right help (more on this below)..

Ultimately I want you to know one thing..

Can you do this?

And my answer is:

If I Can Do This, So Can You!

Because over 1000 other women with PCOS are doing it too right now within the PCOS Repair Protocol Facebook


And Here's Another Reason

You Too Can Do This

Here are some recent posts:

It took me 10 years to "figure this out"...

Which is safe to say that there isn't anything left for you to figure out.

I already did all of the hard work for you.

Which means...there’s nothing for you to “figure out”.

Other than that, just to download this book bundle and most important of all - implement the protocol!

That’s it…

But the one thing I didn’t mention yet about the PCOS Repair Protocol that sets it apart from everything else is that…

Here’s The Exact 4 Step System Revealed In The PCOS Repair Protocol Book For Thriving With Your PCOS Forever


 Quickly reduce your androgens for symptom relief

By addressing the body’s overproduction of androgens you will notice some significant changes quickly. More energy in the mornings, better sleep, clearer skin, less sugar cravings and fewer hangry attacks are all typical experiences throughout step 1...


Treat the root cause of your PCOS

We’ll then create an individualized plan for you to address your unique root cause. This is the core of your treatment and the chunkiest step. I will guide you through every step of the way...


Discover what is causing your PCOS

 Understand the four most common root causes of PCOS and how to work out which one (or combination) you are. From here you can truly understand what is causing your symptoms...


Connect & heal

A critical component of your healing is to have people on your team and a strong community. You cannot do this alone. We provide you with a community of women to connect with as part of this eBook. We also give you direct access to our team of nutritionists and naturopaths...

Those are the 4 steps to freedom and thriving with your PCOS.

All of this is revealed in the 221 page PCOS Repair Protocol eBook in step-by-step detail.

And that's not all, because...

  • Stop Struggling With Weight Issues By Understanding Why Typical Diet Programs That Work For All Your Friends Don't Work For Women With PCOS (And What To Do That Actually Will Work. Hint: It's Not Your Fault. Your Body Is Actually Really Different To Theirs)...

  • Get To The Bottom Of Why Your PCOS Conditions Are Unique To You (By Tapping Into The Root Cause Of Your PCOS And Understanding How To Heal It)...

  • Get Clarity About What Exactly Is Going On With Your Body (By Understanding The Exact Questions That You Need To Ask Your Doctor To Get The Testing That You Need)...

  • How To Scale By Redirecting Traffic To Your Website (Using Unconventional Pools Of Traffic Online And Tapping Into Hidden Networks)...

  • Prepare Your Body For A Healthy Pregnancy (By Regulating Your Cycle Using My 4 Step Methodology)...

  • Join A Community Of Passionate Women With PCOS Who Are On The Same Journey As You (Because You Can't Do This Journey Alone Anymore)...

  • The PCOS Repair Protocol Can Help You Heal Your PCOS Effortlessly With A Very Clear Roadmap On Exactly What You Have To Do (All You Have To Do Is Follow The Steps)...

If freedom from the PCOS symptoms that rule your life is what you are looking for, this is the ultimate guide on how to get it.

Plus I'm Going To Give You PCOS Fertility Formula: My 4-Part Mini-Course On Regulating Your Cycle And Optimizing For Fertility

And Before You Download The PCOS Repair Protocol EBook… I Want You To Know That There's No Catch!

I realize this is very inexpensive and that I’m practically giving it away…

And you’re probably wondering:

“Why would you give it away for next to nothing?”…

So there has to be a “catch”…

And I know there are some websites out there that offer you a great deal on something but then they stick you in some program that charges your card every month.

This isn't one of them.

There's NO hidden "continuity program" you have to try or anything even remotely like that.

I'm literally giving you this entire book, for $2.99, to "put my best foot forward" and give you real value.

My hope is that you'll love it and this will be the start of a good relationship for years to come.

But with all that said, there is ONE thing to keep in mind:

This Won’t Last Long

The truth is...

I was planning on selling this book for $37, but that meant I had to print copies of it, store them and ship them.

Which would create a bunch of logistics issuse and make it much more difficult to help more people.

Then I sold the PCOS Repair Protocol book for $47 and over 1,046 people downloaded it at that price....

...Which was was great, but then I realised hey - this is an eBook idea could work.

By Lowering The Price To $2.99 It Allows Me To Impact More Women And Help Them Heal Their PCOS Forever

I consider that at true win/win...

It is my personal goal to help every woman in the world who has PCOS. Truly.

The way that I do that is in 2 ways:

1. You buy the book and implement everything yourself (Total cost to you: $2.99)

2. [100% optional step] You continue your journey with us by purchasing one of our educational programs, PCOS vitamins or joining our Cysterhood - our most hands on program where we work with an incredible community of women just like you.

Pretty straightforward.

By selling the book to you at an incredibly affordable price it's my way of saying "hey, let's start our relationship on the right foot". My team and I truly want to go on your full PCOS healing journey with you.

Anyway - with all of that said, this is a limited offer.

You're also getting the PCOS Fertility Fast Track Mini-Course, the PCOS Weight Loss Essentials Cheat Sheet, my 2-part masterclass series on reversing hormonal acne with PCOS, my Ultimate Guide To Preventing Hair Loss & access to our exclusive Facebook community.

And there's no charge for these bonuses. I want you to have this as my gift for checking out the book.

Oh. And in case you're wondering ...


Of course there's a money-back guarantee.

In fact, I think it's ...

The REAL RESULTS Money-Back Guarantee

Here’s the world’s best guarantee.

I know that before I get into anything…

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Like my grandma used to say “Test drive the car before you drive it off the lot”…

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How’s that for the world’s best money back guarantee? I’d say pretty good!

And since you’ve made it this far, I’ll assume that you’re ready to order, so with that in mind...

You're Also Getting PCOS Fertility Formula Mini Course, My Simple Weight Loss Strategies For PCOS, My 2-Part Acne Elimination Secrets Masterclass & My Ultimate Guide To Preventing Hair Loss.

And there's no charge for it. I want you to have this as my gift for checking out the book.

Plus I’m also including these 7 amazing bonuses valued at $966.

So with that in mind...

This Offer Expires On March 04, 2023

 So Here's How To Order Today...

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Price: $2.99

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Download The eBook & bonuses Just $2.99! Delivered instantly. Start reading in the next 2 minutes.

Backed by Our 30-Day 100% Money Back Guarantee

Here's Everything You're Getting For Only $2.99 Today

Included In Your Order:

The PCOS Repair Protocol eBook

221 page eBook where you learn the whole PCOS Repair Protocol.

PCOS Fertility Formula: Our Signature Mini-Course On Getting Pregnant With PCOS

Fast track your pregnancy success with our 4 module quickstart mini-course.

Simple Weight Loss Strategies For PCOS

Don't get lost in the minefield of PCOS weight loss misinformation. All the scientifically proven essentials to weight loss.

Acne & Hair Solution: My 2-Part Masterclass Series

Deep dive into my video masterclass series on how the 2 biggest secrets to reversing hormonal acne & unwanted hair growth in PCOS.

Kick Your Cravings: Banish Sugar Cravings Forever

Stop being a slave to sugar and banish those constant lingering desires for a quick sugar hit with this ultimate guide.

Beat The Bloat: 3 Hacks To Supercharged Digestion

Rid yourself of painful bloating and looking like you're 12 weeks pregnant with these evidence based digestion hacks.

PCOS Friendly Food Formula: The Complete Manual To Making Any Meal PCOS Friendly

No more calorie counting. Learn 2 secret hacks to transform your favourite foods into PCOS friendly dishes.

PCOS Repair Protocol Facebook Community

Join like-minded women on their journey to heal PCOS. Direcly access our team of naturopaths & nutritionists for questions. 

Backed by Our 30-Day 100% Money Back Guarantee

Read the book directly on your computer, phone, or tablet and start implementing right away.

Here's What's Included In The Book

  • Get instant relief from your worst symptoms by learning the top hacks for solving PCOS' most frustrating issues. Skin breakouts, hair loss, weight gain and irregular cycles no more!
    (Broken down in chapter 3)…  

  • Never get generic advice again and create an individualized protocol to reverse your PCOS symptoms
    (All explained in chapters 13-16)…

  • Lose weight and keep it off with our the evidence-based tips for sustainable fat loss in PCOS

    (Located in chapter 20)…

  • Step 4 - The doctor diagnoses you with PCOS and tells you your only options are to lose weight, exercise more or go on the pill and that you'll probably have a hard time falling pregnant in the future

  • Boost your fertility and ​​​get pregnant naturally with our fertility insights
    (Revealed in chapter 21)...

  • Rid yourself of confusion about what to eat, how much to eat and when to eat by discovering the way of eating that is scientifically proven to be best for your PCOS type 
    (See chapter 12)…

  • Keep enjoying your favorite foods by uncovering the secret hack to healing your PCOS with the right diet choices
    (Explained in chapter 22)…

  • Uncover the top 9 foods to reduce acne and hair loss and start getting results within weeks
    (List found in chapter 6)…

  • Take the confusion out of your unique PCOS condition by uncovering your root cause using our evidence based questionnaires
    (Found in chapter 7)… 

  • Get instant answers to understand the tests you need to do for your unique PCOS type

    (Detailed in chapters 7-10)…

  • Ditch the fad diets and uncover the truth about whether or not you need to go dairy free, gluten free, alcohol free, keto and more
    (Revealed in chapter 17)… 

  • Free yourself from feeling trapped by hormonal birth control by discovering whether or not you actually need it to support your PCOS. 
    (Uncovered in chapter 2)… 

  • Get complete clarity on the science behind what PCOS is, why you have it and how it causes your symptoms
    (Explained in chapter 2)…

  • Get rid of ridiculous weight loss workout programs, your F45 membership and all the other rubbish that doesn't work for women with PCOS (by uncovering the type of exercise that actually works for your condition)

    (Check out chapter 20)…

  • Stop taking 1,000,000 of the wrong vitamins and supplements and take only what you need and what will help your unique symptoms. 
    (See chapter 18)…

  • Know the right tests to ask your doctor for and which nutrientdeficiencies are key to look at to support PCOS
    (Flip to chapter 18)…

  • Understand the different types of medication used to support PCOS and STOP TAKING what you don't need.
    (Detailed in chapter 4)…

Download The eBook For Just $2.99!

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Here's What Others Have To Say

"...I was at a point in my life where I had absolutely no control on my PCOS (type of hormonal imbalance) and met with multiple doctors who just recommended me to take the pill again and do a second round of very powerful and unhealthy medication for acne treatment. Then, entered Tamika and her knowledge and love for living a healthy, balanced hormone life. No toxic medication, no pill, but a full comprehension of your body, how it functions, what it needs, what to implement, what to stop… Thank you for everything..."

Laura Wallace

"...So glad I came across Tam on instagram.This course really helped me in so many ways. I did the most basic package as I am quite familiar with nutrition and already knew some of the information in the modules, however Tam explained them in a really easy to understand way and gave great tips to include each week that werent too overwhelming! I am happy to say that post pill - I have got my cycle from 50-55 days to 34 days, and my pimples are starting to settle down. Thanks Tam!..."

Eve Menedez

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Other Program Testimonials

Here's Everything You're Getting For Only $2.99 Today

Included In Your Order:

The PCOS Repair Protocol eBook

221 page eBook where you learn the whole PCOS Repair Protocol.

PCOS Fertility Formula: Our Signature Mini-Course On Getting Pregnant With PCOS

Fast track your pregnancy success with our 4 module quickstart mini-course.

Simple Weight Loss Strategies For PCOS

Don't get lost in the minefield of PCOS weight loss misinformation. All the scientifically proven essentials to weight loss.

Acne & Hair Solution: My 2-Part Masterclass Series

Deep dive into my video masterclass series on how the 2 biggest secrets to reversing hormonal acne & unwanted hair growth in PCOS.

Kick Your Cravings: Banish Sugar Cravings Forever

Stop being a slave to sugar and banish those constant lingering desires for a quick sugar hit with this ultimate guide.

Beat The Bloat: 3 Hacks To Supercharged Digestion

Rid yourself of painful bloating and looking like you're 12 weeks pregnant with these evidence based digestion hacks.

PCOS Friendly Food Formula: The Complete Manual To Making Any Meal PCOS Friendly

No more calorie counting. Learn 2 secret hacks to transform your favourite foods into PCOS friendly dishes.

PCOS Repair Protocol Facebook Community

Join like-minded women on their journey to heal PCOS. Direcly access our team of naturopaths & nutritionists for questions. 

Backed by Our 30-Day 100% Money Back Guarantee

Read the book directly on your computer, phone, or tablet and start implementing right away.

Backed by Our 100% Money Back Guarantee.

Delivered to: Your Email Address / Instant Download

I’ll talk to you in our private Facebook Group that you’ll get instant access to as soon as you download your copy of the PCOS Repair Protocol.

Until then, to your success,

P.S. Remember, the PCOS Repair Protocol comes with The BEST Money-Back Guarantee In The World.

Download it, read it, implement it, get results.

And if you’re not happy for any reason (and I mean ANY reason) - just let me know and we’ll refund you your $2.99.

"To treat PCOS, you need to know what’s driving it.

In other words, you need to know your functional type of PCOS."

Dr Lara Briden

"PCOS is not hopeless, women with the condition now have similar family sizes to those without PCOS thanks to simple new treatments."

Professor Teede, PCOS Researcher & Educator @ Monash University

Here's A Sneak Peek Of What's Inside The Book


Individualize Your PCOS Supplements With This Ultimate Guide

In the PCOS Repair Protocol, you're going to learn which vitamins to take to support your root cause.

This ultimate guide, which is included with your order, goes even deeper to break down...

  • The 2 Supplements That Everyone With PCOS Should Be Taking

  • Which Vitamins Are Most Indicated Depending On Your PCOS Type

  • The Science Behind Why Some Vitamins Work For Women With PCOS And Why Others Don't (And Which Vitamins To Avoid!).

  • How To Use Specific Supplements To Support An Individual Symptom As Well As Targeting Your Root Cause.

Start Taking The Right Vitamins To Support Your Root Cause

Backed by Our 30-Day 100% Money Back Guarantee

You're Also Getting...

The PCOS Repair Protocol Community

Expert Opinions - PCOS Specialists Sharing Insights

Professional Support - Direct Q&A Access To Our PCOS Specialist Team

Inspiration - Get Motivated By 100s Of Women On The Same Journey As You

Value Bombs - Applicable Tips And Tricks

The PCOS Repair Protocol Community

Part 1 - How To Regulate Your Cycle With PCOS

Part 2 - How To Track Your Cycle (Even When It's Irregular)

Part 3 - How To Time Intercourse For Pregnancy (Even With Wonky Cycles)

Part 4 - How To Get Additional Support And Talk To Your Doctor

Backed by Our 30-Day 100% Money Back Guarantee

$966 Of Actionable Value!

Yours For FREE When You Get The PCOS Repair Protocol eBook)

PCOS Repair Protocol eBook

The PCOS Repair Protocol eBook ($37 Value)

The whole PCOS Repair Protocol explained and how to heal your PCOS. Nothing held back!

Bonus #1

Fertility Fast Track: 4 Part Mini-Course ($297 Value)

The 4-part fertility fast track program to prepare your body for pregnancy. Sold separately for $297. Yours free with the book.

Bonus #2

Simple Weight Loss Strategies For PCOS ($97 Value)

Don't get lost in the minefield of PCOS weight loss misinformation. All the scientifically proven essentials to weight loss & banishing sugar cravings with PCOS.

Bonus #3

PCOS Repair Protocol Community Access ($97 Value)

Join like-minded women on their journey to heal PCOS. Directly access our team of naturopaths & nutritionists for questions. 

Bonus #4

Acne & Hair Solution: 2-Part Masterclass Series ($197 Value)

Deep dive into my video masterclass series on how the 2 biggest secrets to reversing hormonal acne & unwanted hair growth in PCOS.

Bonus #5

Kick Your Cravings: Banish Sugar Cravings Forever ($97)

Stop being a slave to sugar and banish those constant lingering desires for a quick sugar hit with this ultimate guide.

Bonus #6

PCOS Friendly Food Formula ($47 Value)

No more calorie counting. Learn 2 secret hacks to transform your favourite foods into PCOS friendly dishes.

Bonus #7

Beat The Bloat: 3 Hacks To Supercharged Digestion ($97)

Rid yourself of painful bloating and looking like you're 12 weeks pregnant with these evidence based digestion hacks.

Backed by Our 30-Day 100% Money Back Guarantee

Read the book directly on your computer, phone, or tablet and start implementing right away.

Frequently Asked Questions

I want this, what exactly am I getting?
This PCOS Repair Protocol special offer really is special. I wanted to make it so good that you'd feel silly by not ordering it if healing your PCOS is of any interest to you. What you'll get in this book bundle includes the PCOS Repair Protocol eBook, a free program on how to prepare your body for fertility with PCOS, my breakdown of the scientifically proven best ways to lose weight with PCOS, my support PDF on healing hormonal acne, the essential guide preventing hair loss with PCOS, as well as access to our exclusive Facebook support community where you can access our team of PCOS specialist naturopaths and nutritionists.
Do you offer more in depth help?
Yes. Nothing was held back while writing this eBook but for the people that want to further assistance we do offer opportunities to "upgrade" your order after purchasing.
Who is this for?
This is for 2 types of people. Those who have been on their PCOS journey for a long time and are looking for evidence-based support to their PCOS symptoms. It is also for women who are just starting out on their PCOS journey and want to skip past all the PCOS misinformation out there and get straight to an evidence based approach.
What is the PCOS Repair Protocol?
The PCOS Repair Protocol is an evidence based framework that 1000s of women with PCOS are using to heal their hormones. Using the PCOS Repair Protocol these women have been able to diagnose their PCOS root cause and treat their entire system holistically, not just their symptoms. The PCOS Repair Protocol is purely based on the studies and science on how to heal PCOS. The Protocol has taken years of research and put it into an easy to follow framework that anyone can follow and implement.
How is this different than all the other PCOS programs out there?
The PCOS Repair Protocol is different from other programs because it is 100% of the information you need to heal your PCOS. Most online programs offer small tips in an effort to get you to pay for something more expensive. The goal of the PCOS Repair Protocol is to give you everything you need at an affordable price. Our mission is to help every single PCOS sufferer in the world, and we can do that with this program.
Is there a guarantee?
Yes, you get a lifetime money back guarantee in case it's not for you. I even let you keep the book.

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© 2023, Nourished Natural Health

We can not and do not make any guarantees about your ability to get results with our ideas, information, tools, or strategies. What we can guarantee is your satisfaction with our products. We give you a lifetime 100% satisfaction guarantee on the products we sell, so if you are not happy for any reason with the quality of our training, just ask for your money back. You should know that all products and services by our company are for educational and informational purposes only. Nothing on this page, any of our websites, or any of our content or curriculum is a promise or guarantee of results or future results, and we do not offer any legal, tax or other professional advice. Any medical results referenced here, or on any of our sites, are illustrative of concepts only and should not be considered to be promises for actual or future performance. Use caution and always consult your medical professional before acting on this or any information related to a lifestyle change. You alone are responsible and accountable for your decisions, actions and results in life, and by your registration here you agree not to attempt to hold us liable for your decisions, actions or results, at any time, under any circumstance.

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